Louis-David Jutras joins Dreww with his viral short film “Fack C’est Ça”
February 6, 2021

Last January, the Montreal based agency and studio Dreww, founded by Andrew Johnson in collaboration with Ann-Stephanie Dumont, launched its new identity and service offering. In order to expand its multi-talented team, the company recently acquired the talented director, screenwriter and editor Louis-David Jutras, who has been nominated to win two Olivier awards, in the categories of COVID-19 Artist and Comedy Web Sketch of the year.

In his desire to create a new sense of community among Quebecers, the director has launched a series of short films in collaboration with the actor Alexandre L’Heureux, where we see ourselves immersed in our new reality during these times of a worldwide pandemic. As of today, prior to his collaboration with Dreww Studio, he has produced 4 films as a part of this COVID-19 series. Fack C’est Ça is the newest film of the series and the first one produced in partnership with Dreww Studio.

A big fan of the French television series “Bref”, Jutras wanted to parody the concept while adding his personal touch “à la québécoise”. In an era of increased confinement and instability in our daily lives, “humour is certainly much needed,” he says.

Made with, let’s say, limited resources, this does not prevent the director’s films from being a huge success on platforms such as Facebook. By joining forces with the Dreww Studio, Louis-David is confident that he will be able to continue to carry out a multitude of large-scale projects, this time with more resources and manpower at his disposal.

Fack C’est Ça is the most recent comedy vignette produced by the duo Louis-David x Dreww Studio. For almost a year now, Jutras has been featuring our collective “us”, isolated, confused and sometimes depressed, torn between the well-being of a society and our personal (and selfish!) desire to socialize. To be seen and seen again!
72 hours after being published on Facebook, the film has accumulated upwards of 500 000 views and 450 000 minutes of watch time, as well as tens of thousands of shares and comments.
About Dreww:
Dreww is a digital advertising agency and multidisciplinary production studio based in Montreal. A collective of digital natives, all working together to propel brands online.